Spiritual Counseling

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Attracting the Love You Need (Foundation of Lasting Love, Pt.1)

By Rev. Dr. N. Rosechild-Sullivan

When we are drawing what we desire into our lives, we need to turn all the power of our will toward believing that we already receive the thing we determine that we will have from the Universe. 

A positive and determined attitude is something we can choose. 

We can choose to focus on the hardships we face and have, or are, experienced/ing. 

Or we can choose to focus on the positive outcome we have determined to create. 

Elsewhere, on this website (www.chestnuthillspiritualcounseling.org), I wrote about the law of determination

The biggest part of manifesting, often, is simply deciding what it is we desire to have in our lives. 

Whether that is health or safety or resources or income or dwellings or transportation or relationships - we can decide what it is we want in our lives and - short of violating the will of others - we can set about drawing to us the circumstances and situations we desire.

The same is true when it comes to human relationships of all kinds. . . .

Often, in order to manifest (or attract) what we need, we need to do a work on ourselves first. Before someone else can/will find us valuable beyond measure, we need to find ourselves worthy and loveable and loving, and be ready to give in the context of a relationship.

At the same time, we need to have standards.

We need to know what it is we want and are looking for in a partner – and not settle for someone who does not fit the bill. 

The more we know about ourselves, the better we understand our own needs.

And the more self-love we have developed, the more capable we are of receiving love when it comes our way.

And with both of these in place – knowledge of what we want (a standard) and self-love (so we can love another “as we love our self”) – we can put out our faith (our demand to the universe) and enact the principles of the law of creation (ask àbelieve àreceive).

Knowing what we want in a relationship, we can “ask” for it.

Loving ourselves, we can “believe” we are worthy of it.

Putting the two together and mixing them with faith, we can “receive” – we can stand firmly, waiting expectantly (but without agitation or despair) for the manifestation of that which we have called into being (in the quantum physical sense).

We can wait for the manifestation of the relationship/s we desire – firm in the inner knowledge that we already have what we believe we receive – and not settle for relationships that do not meet the standard our heart has decided upon.

So much of the fabric of our lives is wrapped up in the interconnectivity of the substance we share with other human beings as we interconnect. 

© 2013-2018 Nadine Rosechild-Sullivan, Ph.D.