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Turn Your Life Around: Expand Your Use of "The Secret" & Manifest Intentionally in Every Area of Your Life

By Rev. Dr. Nadine Rosechild Sullivan, Ph.D

Many of the law of attraction books make it sound like YOU are responsible for ALL of the bad things that have happened in your life -- which, beyond being patently untrue -- is often the last thing you need. Others share success stories but fail to tell YOU, step-by-step, how to make these principles work. YOU are NOT responsible for ALL of the bad things that have happened in your life.

YET, you have an enormous amount of power to "Turn Your Life Around" now! Build wealth, but ALSO *increase your health, *improve your personal self-esteem, *find love & attract solid relationships, *manifest protection & safety for your loved ones, and *accomplish your goals & dreams with direction & determination. "Turn Your Life Around!" addresses the problem of evil -- the fact that the responsibility for some of what happens in the earth lies in other hands than your own -- and social stratification -- the fact that we do not begin or engage with life on a level playing field. Then, "Turn Your Life Around!" will also share HOW, step-by-step, to make these principles work for YOU - as you play the hand you were dealt - and manifest good in every area of YOUR life.

"Turn Your Life Around!" will help you learn how to apply the principles of the law of attraction and gain ever-increasing skill at manifesting the good things you intend in EVERY area of your life. Dr. Sullivan also answers the pressing question, "What do I do in the time between when I "believe I receive" and the time when my desire physically manifests?" "Turn Your Life Around!" is a gem in the law of attraction/ positive thinking/ manifesting literature, helping the reader see the larger picture of their own life and all of the areas that can benefit from a steady application of these spiritual principles.

An experienced practitioner and teacher of these principles, in "Turn Your Life Around!" Dr. Sullivan uses her own life experience as object lessons -- demonstrating exactly how (step-by-step) to work these principle (which have worked for her every time she has worked them) so that you too can (on purpose) manifest the life you desire. Nadine Rosechild Sullivan, Ph.D. is a riveting speaker, insightful analyst, and engaged spiritual counselor. Rev. Dr. Sullivan is an expert at the intersection of diversity, human sexuality, and spirituality, with a particular focus on helping us understand ourselves as sexual and spiritual beings. Her work uplifts individuals and unifies communities (business, corporate, non-profit, academic, and spiritual/congregational). 

Available now at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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I Trusted You: Fully and Honestly Speaking of Gendered Assault

By Rev. Dr. Nadine Rosechild Sullivan, Ph.D

* Do you have the vague sense, or the sure knowing, that there are sexual experiences that still haunt you? * Do you wonder if you're just one of the unlucky ones? * Do you wonder how this can happen in the United States? * How far is it okay to push someone sexually? * Is it ever alright to hit someone you love?

Every day, millions face the emotional and physical horrors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence, and their aftermath. In our rape- and male-violence-prone culture, millions of women (of all races and ethnicities), children (of all genders and ethnicities), and adolescent and (even) adult men (across all social divisions) are victimized – predominantly by male perpetrators enacting a hegemonic violent masculinity. The dual suffering of victims (the assault and its long-term aftermath) complicates both individual-level and societal-level mental health, and makes us all less safe. But this gendered violence is not an innate biological imperative of the human species. The anthropological evidence proves that our present culture of violence is not a genetic mandate. Men and women in other times and places have enacted gender and sexuality differently – demonstrating that our current relationship with gendered violence is cultural – not biological.

We can redirect our culture. We – collectively – create it, and therefore, we can change our society. We can heal as individuals. Those who have been victimized can come to recognize that nothing in them caused their assailant to perpetrate. AND we can heal as a collectivity. We can learn to relate to each other differently. We can break our addiction to violence.

Using a compelling mix of personal stories, pointed poetry, and the realities of social fact, "I Trusted You" guides the reader to grasp the magnitude of the problem, to understand the experience of sexual and interpersonal trauma, to recognize that the fault lies with the perpetrator (not the victim) of sexual or interpersonal violence, to see the importance of refusing to use sex and relationships to cause harm, and to conceive of different gendered interactions for our collective future.

"I Trusted You" is a book to liberate those who have been perpetrated against – to heal their wounds and facilitate their transitions from victims to survivors. "I Trusted You" is a book to touch the hearts of (present, former, and would-be) perpetrators – to cause them to see – and be moved by – the shared humanity of their (actual or potential) victims. "I Trusted You" is a book to revolutionize the status of interpersonal, gendered, relationships in the early 21st century United States. It brings into focus the importance of the ways we think about each other – demonstrating that the beliefs we hold influence the actions we take.

Grounded in the firm belief that we can change the social forces that still ail us, "I Trusted You" is a beacon of hope, illuminating the way forward.

Available now in paperback or eBook format at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.